AGU 2013 Session: Linking Microbial Communities and Biogeochemistry to Ecosystem Processes and Environmental Change
I am co-organizing a session at this year’s annual AGU meeting in San Francisco focusing on the microbial influence on atmospheric chemistry and ecosystem processes. We are bringing together a group with diverse disciplinary backgrounds and scientific approaches to share approaches and ideas. We hope to see you there on Friday! Sessions: B51D (poster), B53D (oral), B54B (oral) -search the sessions- Section/Focus Group: Biogeosciences (B) Conveners: Laura Meredith, MIT, predawn@mit.edu Catherine Febria, University of Maryland, febria@umces.edu Jake Hosen, University of Maryland, hosen@cbl.umces.edu Ed Hall, ed.hall@colostate.edu Description: Microbial communities are mediators of all biogeochemical cycles, controlling ecosystem responses to human-induced change. Advances in the molecular characterization of carbon and microbial communities have produced novel datasets…