volcalc – R package 
- An R package that helps you automatically calculate estimates of volatility for chemical compounds – found here on GitHub.
- Supports “group contribution” methods for estimating volatility that rely on molecular properties such as molecular weight, numbers of certain atoms, and counts of certain functional groups.
- Works with either .mol files or SMILES strings as input, and supports downloading .mol files directly from KEGG via API.
- Related publications
- Meredith et al., 2023: Automating methods for estimating metabolite volatility.
Fluxes of Molecular Hydrogen (H2) at Harvard Forest EMS Tower 2010-2012
- Data sets in the Harvard Forest Data Archive
- hf288-01: H2, CO2, H2O mole fractions and gradients; H2 fluxes
- hf288-02: snow depth and bulk porosity
- hf288-03: below canopy sonic anemometer
- Related publications
- Meredith et al., 2017: Ecosystem fluxes of hydrogen in a mid-latitude forest driven by soil microbes and plants, Global Change Biology.
- Meredith et al., 2014: Ecosystem fluxes of hydrogen: a comparison of flux-gradient methods, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques.
Carbonyl sulfide (OCS) fluxes and biogeochemical properties of soils surveyed 2015-2016
- Data sets in the Open Science Framework
- Meredith, L. K., & Youngerman, C. (2018, October 11). Survey 1 and 2 Code. Retrieved from
- Related publications
- Meredith et al., 2018: Coupled biological and abiotic mechanisms driving carbonyl sulfide production in soils, Soil Systems.
- Meredith et al., 2018: Soil exchange rates of COS and CO18O shift with the diversity of microbial communities and their carbonic anhydrase enzymes, The ISME Journal.
Data Use Policy. These data are available for use following the specific policies for the data repository. You are encouraged to contact Laura Meredith ( to discuss collaboration, appropriate acknowledgement, and become informed on any details on the data pertinent to your study.